Short information about Sundre Fågelstation
Sundre Fågelstation is a bird ringing station located at Hoburgen at the South point of Gotland, Sweden. The station is active April 25--June 8 and July 25--September 15 every year. All work at the station is voluntary.
Would you like to contribute with your work for some period or do you want more information about how to proceed to come work with us?
Contact: bokning(at)
Book a guided tour
During a guided tour you can see how ring marking is performed on and have a chance to study the birds closely.
If there is lots of birds in the nets, you may have to wait for a while.
The price for a group guide (about 1.5 hours) is 500 skr.
Contact us: bokning(at)
Ringing activities in Sundre started May 16, 1976 at the initiative of Per Göran Bentz who the year before discovered the lush bush lands of the forest in connection with a holiday.
During the late 1970s and early 1980s the ringing were only conducted in the spring, and then with a few ringers and assistants. During the early 1980s the activities expanded gradually to include even autumns, but then at Hoburg cliff. The new wider activity, came to require a new type of organization and in 1986 the association Sundregruppen was founded. The association is run as a nonprofit association with both active and supportive members.
Where to find us:
Find Sundre fågelstation on a larger map.
Boat trip to Gotland from Swedish mainland can be booked here:
Destination Gotland